Liverpool vs Leicester – The last of 2022!

That was a good start, managed to spell Leicester correct first time 🙂

Here we go then, the last game of 2022. A successful one in the end for bagging two trophies but could have gone down in folklaw as the best ever year any football club has had in the history of the game anywhere in the world. We’ve definitely moved on though 🙂 Yes and no, we’ll never forget how close it was and all the shit that went with that, but I want to believe that we are now over the hangover with a new focus, this break may have just helped us the most.

Oh look.. LFC is now in the podcast game, here’s the first episode, so while you’re in bed recovering from either a hangover, an epic turkey sandwich, lurgies or covid take 45 on your behind and have a gander. I’m in the Covid camp at the moment, but heading back to the mrs and her rents this evening as it turns out they all have it now.. what a lash up!

So lets talk about our new signing .. welcoming Cody Gakpo our new number 18. Pretty much out of nowhere like we like to do. He’s 23, 6.2ft strong and nimble with a thunderhammer of a right peg and loves a cheeky assist. This season he’s played 24 games, score 13 and assisted 17, quite remarkable for an inside forward/attacking mid. He plays on the left in a 4231 formation which tactically isn’t that different to a 433 because they do kind merge while attacking. Here’s a little something a PSV fan wrote, a reminder of why football is such a lovable game and full of quality fans.

A PSV Eindhoven fan has written an open letter on Reddit to Liverpool fans, requesting that we take good care of Cody Gakpo. His username is StanSc. 

“Please take good care of our boy Cody.

“I’ve never been so sad to see one of our players go. Cody has been at PSV since he was 6 and has always had an outstanding mentality and work rate. I am very pleased that he will play for you guys instead of the toxicity that is Man United.

“I think Klopp can work wonders with him as he is a pure inside forward. He likes coming from the left to either cross perfectly to the backpost but he also has a cannon of a shot. One of the deadliest players i have ever seen when shooting from the edge of the box. Once he has some space on his right it is often guaranteed to go in. Also has a great left foot although he likes an active wingback on the overlap (which Robertson is one of the world’s best at)

“He is super religious and down to earth which I think really fits your club well at the moment. I will miss him dearly but we all hope he will light up the PL for years to come.”

It’s a promise Stan. You won’t have to worry about your boy with us ❤️

Stats here to have a browse:

Presser – Starts 3.14

So another chance to grab an important 3 points, with a fresh and relavitely fit squad (yes yes I know shouldn’t say this) we should have enough to get the job done. Only concern is Leicester are like a wounded animal right now and it’s always the case teams somehow find another gear against us.

Wow, just got a text from my Brazilian brother @Adriano this second ‘R.I.P Pelé ‘.

Damn, i’m so sorry dude. I guess we knew he wasn’t in great shape but thought he’d be with us for a lot longer than this. Only saw an awesome video of him and maradona doing headers on some talk show yesterday and I couldn’t believe I had never seen that before. Well there’s no other way to finish this article but to go and search for Pele’s best moments. He’s definitely the GOAT in many peoples eyes, a period of reflection is now upon us as we celebrate a football ambassador, a king of kings in the football world and true gent of man. R.I.P Edson Arantes do Nascimento ‘Pelé‘.

Some words from Adriano ” There might have been many legends but he was the blueprint, he was to this sport what the Beatles were to music. The beatles might not be your favourite band but your band probably wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the beatles”.